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You/they leave the Rechtschreibpr�fung over your exactly produced text
(RSP) runs. The program reports no mistakes. You/they discover however
for example in the expression empty-sign or an empty-sign doubled before that
Comma or the point.
The RSP doesn't check on it. In the remaining also not in other programs
on other platforms (Microsoft Office, PageMaker etc): -).
You/they leave looking through that & replace-function all following signs
replaces. (LZ=Leerzeichen)
Looks | replacing
(Doppel-LZ) | (simple LZ)
(LZ & point). |. (Point)
(LZ & comma), |, (comma)
(LZ & semicolon); |; (semicolon)
(Clamp & LZ) (| ((clamp)
(LZ & clamp)) |) (clamp)
You/they sees become, how many substitutions are enforced, what yes
in the effect mistakes is. ; -)
This doesn't work with the Voreinsteller for the car-correction.
Heed please following with text-frameworks however.
Converted on 21 Feb 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by
Michael Ranner.